AEM Pakistan
In 2023, we have been invited to minister to the heart of Pakistan through virtual crusades to this country of 230 million people.
AEM Pakistan
In 2023, we have been invited to minister to the heart of Pakistan through virtual crusades to this country of 230 million people.

Zoom to Pakistan
In late 2022 a pastor in Pakistan contacted Jon asking that he pray about the possibility of preaching in a crusade in Pakistan via Zoom. On January 25, 2023 Jon preached in a Crusade with over 900 in attendance and over 360 people trusted Jesus as their Savior. Clearly the Lord blessed this new outreach and word quickly spread about how the Lord blessed the crusade. Now Jon has between 5-7 new invitations each month to preach other crusades, leadership conferences and home church services in Pakistan. Several crusades will be in different cities and they will rent up to 25 busses in order to bring people from surrounding areas to the meeting. Please pray that the Lord will give wisdom as this is a new outreach for AEM and pray that thousands will be saved as a result.
Christianity in Pakistan
In this country of 230 million people, a massive majority are Muslim. The estimated number of Christians in Pakistan is around 2% of this population. But the hearts of the people are open to the Word of God, with hundreds and hundreds saved already in these meetings.
In The Words of Those Serving There
“Many of the people here do not have good jobs and they have to work in brick factories. They need food for their families. Pakistan is not a Christian nation. The crusades that we are holding each month with Jon Ainbinder are used to tell our people about the love and forgiveness that they can have through Jesus Christ. We have many new believers as a result of the crusades and we need Bibles for them.”
Please pray and give for Pakistan.

AEM Pakistan Team

Rahil John

Obaid Rehmat

Rahil John

Obaid Rehmat

How to Give
One-Time Gift or Monthly Donation Options
Ainbinder Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. is a 501C(3) non- profit corporation and you will receive a personal thank you message for all of your donations. A receipt for tax purposes will be sent out every January.
You can choose either a one-time donation of whatever amount you feel lead to give or choose a monthly amount to donate.
100% of all your donations go to where you yourself choose them to go.
If you allow AEM to decide where to invest your contribution, it goes to the Mission field.
We've begun doing Zoom Virtual Pastors Conferences and virtual Crusades. The cost to fund locations and set ups for those attending together locally runs between $200 to $1600.
What Gifts Do
Frequent Needs (Please make a note on donation to request.)
In Uganda, India, or Pakistan:
- Donations to orphanages.
- Purchasing bibles.
- Purchasing school supplies.
- Purchasing chairs for churches.
- Funding for Pastor Conferences & Crusades.
- $210 per month to feed 30 families of between 4-5 people for 30 days.
For $210 a month, you can sponsor a pastor or evangelist working with Ainbinder Evangelistic Ministries
Give Online with Paypal Monthly
(Please select "Make this a monthly donation" option)
Give Online with paypal One-Time
Give Online with Stripe Custom Amount
By Check
AEM, Inc.
P.O. Box 334
Colbert, GA 30628
By Venmo
Jonathan Ainbinder